
Mauricio Pochettino praises Moussa Sissoko for turning Tottenham career around

Mauricio Pochettino has praised Moussa Sissoko and says his hard work and effort is turning the tide of opinion at Tottenham.

The Frenchman had become somewhat of a running joke in the two years since his £30million deadline day move from Newcastle.

However, having been called on by Pochettino to paper over the cracks of his injury-hit squad, Sissoko has been in fine form.

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After another strong performance during the win at Crystal Palace, Pochettino stood alongside Sissoko as he led the away end in chanting his name.

“Sometimes different players need a different amount of time to produce performances in the way that you want,” said Pochettino.

“But by being honest, professional and always giving your best you can turn the opinion of the people. Quality is so important in football. But quality without effort, being professional and fighting for the team makes it difficult for a player to show that quality.

“That is the history of football, no? There are moments and circumstances when you take decisions,” Pochettino added.

“But football is so dynamic. You need to take decisions in every single moment. But this has not only happened to him. There are many players in football who were close to going and then come in like this.

“But good thing can happen if you are a professional like Moussa and keep pushing and working hard. Sometimes when you feel the pain you keep your head up, keep pushing and keep working hard, that is the only way to get through it.”