
New research reveals which of Amazon's TV shows are the most popular

man in the high castle amazon dj qualls rupert evans
man in the high castle amazon dj qualls rupert evans

(Ed McCarthy (DJ Qualls) and Frank Frink (Rupert Evans) on “The Man in the High Castle."Amazon)

Amazon is making huge investments in original TV shows, including the "The Grand Tour," its recent Jeremy Clarkson series that cost a reported $250 million dollars.

That investment has certainly succeeded in snagging critical acclaim.

On Monday, Amazon continued a strong awards show tradition by securing a whopping 11 Golden Globe nominations, including two nominations for best comedy series ("Transparent" and "Mozart in the Jungle," which won the category last year).

But there's always been a bit of a disconnect between critical reception and what people are actually watching, and Amazon doesn't tell us the hard numbers.

In a new survey of ~1,200 US consumers, management consulting firm cg42 tried to get to the bottom of which shows Amazon Prime customers are tuning into.

What did they find?

"The Man in the High Castle," Amazon's alternative history about the Axis winning WWII, took the top spot. Amazon's pair of comedy critical darlings came in at number two ("Transparent") and number five ("Mozart in the Jungle").

Here's the full list from cg42:

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"The Grand Tour" came in fourth, however an impressive 25% of survey respondents said that it impacted their decision to sign up or renew their subscription to Prime. So perhaps it's having an outsized effect in driving subscriptions.

Amazon is doubling its spending on video content in the second half of 2016, compared with last year, according to the company's CFO, Brian Olsavsky. So don't expect Amazon's budding rivalry with Netflix to stop any time soon.

Previous reporting by Eugene Kim.

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