
How much further will Theresa May let Boris Johnson go?

Some think the Foreign Secretary’s latest joke added no value to the political climate: Reuters
Some think the Foreign Secretary’s latest joke added no value to the political climate: Reuters

I agree with your letters, “It’s time the Conservatives expelled class clown Boris Johnson”.

There is a time and place for humour, but for the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to come out with the remarks he did about Russia and the World Cup clearly indicates that this is the wrong man for the job. What happened to measured diplomacy and tactfulness?

Honestly, I think the Prime Minister is fearful of sacking this buffoon because he is one of the Brexiteers and is supposed to represent the will of the British people. How much further will she let things go before he oversteps the mark – war with Russia? Hopefully not!

Ian Wagstaff
Address supplied

Let’s see some proof

Penny Little advocates the use of Rhus Tox on her back pain. Where’s the evidence that poison ivy helps relieve discomfort? It is more likely that rubbing the area increases blood supply, which helps relieve the pain. Homeopathy is quackery.

Michael Pate

Internet privacy is possible

Why do users of social media platforms expose themselves to abuse by giving out so much personal information? Once information is out in the public domain, it is virtually impossible to delete and can be used by the unscrupulous.

What is considered innocuous information today could be used illicitly in the future. There ought to be worldwide legislation to prevent the illicit use of personal data. We should treat the Internet as a single entity and have one body controlling the legislation and punishment.

Keith Poole

Boris Johnson’s big mouth

Boris Johnson’s comparison of the World Cup being held in Moscow to the 1936 Olympics under Hitler does not contribute to global peace and stability. Moreover, this diminishes the moral and ethical significance of the Holocaust. The Russian army was the first to see piles of artificial teeth and human ashes, as well as starved men, women and children cramped in chilling gas chambers and extermination camps. Russia has made, and continues to make, tremendous sacrifices in the global war on terror. Russia is essential in calming down many crises in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine and North Korea. Therefore, Johnson’s incendiary comments are not only unjustifiable, but also lack diplomatic niceties.

Dr Munjed Farid al Qutob
London NW2