
Parkrun removes all records in transgender runner row despite ‘sex discrimination’ claims

Parkrun celebrates its 19th birthday with an event at London's Bushy Park
Parkrun has deleted all gender, course and age records from its websites

Parkrun has abruptly removed gender, course and age records from its websites after rejecting a campaign to compel transgender runners to record their sex at birth.

With backing from former Olympic swimmer and BBC presenter Sharron Davies, who has accused Parkrun organisers of “sex discrimination” and being “cowardly”, groups including Women in Sport and the Policy Exchange had been urging organisers to stop allowing entrants to self-identify their gender.

The Policy Exchange reported at least three Parkrun female records were held by transgender women and campaigners said that by having publicised records for age, gender, number of wins and courses, Parkrun must follow governing bodies like UK Athletics by protecting a natal category for women and girls.

Parkrun had refused, arguing that it was a community event and public health charity that was focused on inclusion rather than competition, with records only designed to add interest and widen participation.

Campaigners warned that women and girls risked being alienated by allowing transgender women in the same female category record lists and the Policy Exchange report, which was endorsed by tennis great Martina Navratilova and Olympic legend Daley Thompson, recommended that Parkrun should collect data based on biological sex. They also wanted all records to be updated to reflect such a change.

“If this does not happen within 12 months, taxpayers’ funding should be withdrawn,” said the report.

Sian Longthorpe looks on - Parkrun remove all records in transgender runner row despite 'sex discrimination' claims
Sian Longthorpe, a transgender woman, set the Porthcawl parkrun record for females aged 45-49 in May 2023 with a time of 18.53 minutes. It was previously 20.06 minutes.

Campaigners wearing ‘Save Women’s Sports’ slogans have been protesting against the Parkrun policy on social media and at the weekly events.

There was concern, however, that adopting a ‘sex at birth’ policy was not appropriate for an event like Parkrun and would discourage transgender people – whose transition might have been entirely private – from registering and accessing the event’s vast health benefits.

Parkrun has now simply decided to remove a raft of data from its websites, including course records, age-category records, ‘world’ Parkrun records as well as statistics for most wins or for getting under a particular time.

It will still publish the results page every week as normal with a position, name, gender, age category and time. Participants can also still search up all their individual run history and age grading, which is a relative measure of the time according to age and gender.

The move has angered some of those many runners who find the data and competitive element to be a major incentive for participation.

“Numerous men losing their s--- over parkrun deleting/hiding data is quite a revelation,” said Mara Yamauchi, the former Olympic marathon runner, following the changes. “I knew men care deeply about their own sports but this is really something. Shame so many of them have had NOTHING to say all these years.”

Parkrun runners - Parkrun removes all records in transgender runner row despite ‘sex discrimination’ claims
Parkrun organisers claim they have been considering changes since before the Covid pandemic - PA/Victoria Jones

The Women’s Rights Network said that Parkrun “would rather stop publishing age category data and rankings rather than allow fair sport for women and girls”, adding, “there’s only been uproar now because they’d rather wipe records than be fair to women.”

A Parkrun statement said that the changes had followed a review over many months by a global working group to consider “how we can present data in a way that is not off-putting and doesn’t imply that Parkrun is a race”.

This review concluded there was a disconnect between the performance data displayed so prominently on the site and the organisation’s “health and happiness” mission.

“We’ll continue to take steps to ensure that everyone is able to enjoy Parkrun for what it is: a free community event and an opportunity to be active, social and outside in a non-competitive, inclusive and welcoming environment,” said the statement.

Davies said that it would have been “very easy to add course records for transmen and transwomen”. She added: “Parkrun have been guilty of sex discrimination for far too long. Keep sport fair for both sexes!”

Organisers are adamant that they were considering changes since before the Covid pandemic, regardless of the campaign around gender self-identification. As well as asking for age and gender, Parkrun allows people to choose ‘prefer not to say’ or ‘another gender identity’ but this would mean that the age category, gender, gender position and age grade fields would be blank in the results.

Helen Joyce, director of advocacy at human rights organisation Sex Matters, said: “The physical advantages that male puberty brings mean the only way women can have fair competition, or be properly recognised for exceptional performance in amateur and participation events, is for their results to be recorded separately from men’s.

“It’s shocking that Parkrun was so unwilling to ensure fairness for women that it decided instead on getting rid of all rankings and records, thus depriving large numbers of ordinary people the pleasure of seeing their personal efforts recognised and rewarded.”

Why Parkrun has removed records and what it means for transgender runners

Why the change?

In its announcement, Parkrun admitted that there was a “disconnect” between their performance data – namely the multiple lists of records – on their websites and their mission of providing as many people as possible with the opportunity to participate.

The backdrop is a campaign over the past year both at races and on social media for Parkrun to introduce a ‘gender at birth’ category rather than allowing people to self-identify. Campaigners argued that all the records demonstrated that Parkrun had become a competitive event and, in line with governing bodies like UK Athletics, there should be no gender self-identification and a protected female category for natal girls and women. Parkrun was adamant that its overarching mission is participatory – especially for “those who are anxious about activities such as parkrun, but who potentially have an enormous amount to gain” – and has opted to remove all-time records that compare runners.

What happens to existing records?

Parkrun had previously published a lengthy list of all-time records alongside the weekly list of finishers. These records became part of the attraction for many runners and allowed people to compare their times with all previous runners on a course.

The records broke down in several ways: by gender, by age categories all the way from under-11s up to the over-80s, by total number of wins and total number of runs on a particular course. There were also individual course records as well as categories for every runner who had ever beaten a particular time on a course and the fastest ever 500 on a course as well as all-time Parkrun records.

All of these comparative records were abruptly removed from public display on Thursday morning and are no longer available to view. There are more than 2,000 Parkruns and the changes apply across every event in both the regular Saturday morning 5km Parkrun and the Sunday morning 2km Junior Parkruns for children aged between four and 14.‌

Can I still get my personal records?

Parkrun will continue to publish a full list of weekly results in finishing order for each event. The details that are still published are: finishing positions, name, gender, age group (going up in brackets of five years for adults), club and time. Runners can also still see personal records by clicking on their name, which will include data for all their previous Parkruns, as well as their age grading for every run, which is calculated by rating their time according to their age and gender.

This data, however, will only be available now in isolation and is not ranked alongside other participants. Runners will also receive an individual email after each run which will still also list their personal placing in their gender and age category.

What does it mean for transgender runners?

All runners can continue to choose whether to register as ‘female’, ‘male’, ‘prefer not to say’ or ‘another gender identity’. They will then be listed in the main weekly results page alongside the gender in which they have identified.

A ‘prefer not to say’ or ‘another gender identity’ reply would mean that a blank is left under the gender column in the results. All runners will also still be personally notified of where they finished by gender and age category but there will now be no all-time records or comparison with other runners. Parkrun is an event in which all genders and ages participate together and so runners are simply listed on the weekly results in whichever position they cross the line.