
Phoenix Stars impress at another international competition

Gemini 1 Southern Jam 2024 <i>(Image: Phoenix Stars)</i>
Gemini 1 Southern Jam 2024 (Image: Phoenix Stars)

ONE of Salisbury's leading cheerleading groups attend another international competition earlier this month.

On June 8, Phoenix Stars took part in the International Cheerleading Coalition Southern Jam competition in Guildford.

They achieved eight first places, two second places, a third place and two fourth-placed finishes.

Performances from Leos and Atomic squads in the Novice division were also categorized as Excellent.

Head Coach Elly Humphries said: “These results are so rewarding.  Every athlete has worked so hard and we were hoping for good results but these are beyond our expectations”.

Programme Director, Jane “MJ” Usher added that taking the entire programme to one competition was something they had not done for many years.

(Image: Phoenix Stars)

She said: “We used to take all our athletes to one competition when we had only 100 cheerleaders but since we grew to around 260 athletes, we have been splitting the squads up so that we can take half to one competition then the other half to another competition a month later.

(Image: Phoenix Stars)

"Taking the whole programme to one competition creates a great atmosphere where all the squads support each other and it was definitely a good day for PSC”.

If you would like to be part of Phoenix Stars, their try-outs are being held week commencing July 22 and you can sign up to be a Phoenix Stars Cheerleader via the Team Up app at