
Saints fans urge Southampton to 'back the boys with noise' at semi-final playoff

Saints fans are calling on Southampton to ‘back the boys’ on Friday as they fight for a place at Wembley. <i>(Image: Stuart Martin)</i>
Saints fans are calling on Southampton to ‘back the boys’ on Friday as they fight for a place at Wembley. (Image: Stuart Martin)

Passionate Saints fans are calling on the entire city to ‘back the boys’ as they fight for a place at Wembley.

Southampton FC face West Brom at home on Friday for the playoff semi-final second leg.

Both sides bid to bag a spot in the highly anticipated final at Wembley and Saints fans are rallying together to encourage people to do one thing – bring the noise.

Season ticket holder Summa Symonds said the more fans who show up to welcome the players to St Mary’s Stadium, the better.

She said: “If you don’t have a ticket turn up for the pre-match atmosphere that the fans are hoping to create.

“Even if it gives the team an extra one per cent chance of winning the game it counts."

Daily Echo:
Daily Echo:

READ MORE: Saints legend calls for atmosphere like 'never seen before' at West Brom clash

She added: “The ideal scenario for all of us is to at least get to Wembley and have a big day out.

“I’ve supported the club through thick and thin and days like Friday don’t come around often so as a fan it’s times like this we live for.”

Supporters are being encouraged to create an atmosphere and greet the players' arrival - with the team coach set to arrive at approximately 6.15pm.

Southampton FC want the team to be greeted by a sea of red and white as they arrive, and when in the stands.

Di Stewart, who has supported the club for 32 years, said: “It means so much to me that my fab Saints win, get to Wembley, and win.

“To be in the top flight is the best place to be, I love my club so much.

“At the same time, I would love to get back the Saints v Portsmouth experience and beat them too.

“So not all is lost if we are not promoted this season.”

Long time fan Jaz Newberry said she is hoping for another 'stunning performance' on Friday after a great season.

She said: "Promotion is there for the taking.

"We all need to bring the noise on Friday night and remind the players who they’re playing for.

"We, the fans, are the backbone of the club. Showing our support on Friday is more important than it has been all season.

"Let’s give the lads that last push to get all the way to Wembley and show everyone why the South Coast is red and white."

Daily Echo:
Daily Echo:

The club also has the backing of city leaders and figures.

Lorna Fielker, leader of Southampton City Council, said: “The hopes of Southampton are behind the Saints in this play off. When they do well, our whole city does well.

“We are firmly behind the team to get them back where they rightfully belong, in the Premier League.”

Royston Smith, MP for Southampton Itchen, is one of thousands who will be supporting Saints on Friday.

He said: “Long-suffering Saints fans will remember having been here before in both 2011 and 2012 when we achieved promotion.

“We also know how it felt to be relegated last year.

“We are a great club with loyal fans, and we belong back in the topflight.

“I will be cheering the team on hoping we make the final at Wembley and on to promotion back to the Premier League.”

Club legends Matt Le Tissier, James Beattie, Franny Benali, Mark Dennis, Nicky Banger, Glenn Cockerill and Peter Rodrigues will all be in attendance to cheer on Russell Martin’s men.

Franny Benali is calling on fans to get 'St Mary's rocking'.

He said: "Bring the passion and noise and get St Mary’s rocking.

"Let’s do our bit to make it a night to remember. Be loud and proud. Come on you Saints."

Kick-off is at 8pm with Saints fans urged to arrive at St Mary's for 6pm.