
Sarina Wiegman not panicking despite 'sloppy' England's Nations League loss in Belgium

Don't panic: Sarina Wiegman is staying calm despite England's defeat in Belgium (PA)
Don't panic: Sarina Wiegman is staying calm despite England's defeat in Belgium (PA)

Sarina Wiegman says the Lionesses will not panic after slipping to third in their Nations League group following defeat by Belgium.

England were beaten 3-2 in Leuven to leave hopes of securing Team GB qualification for next summer’s Olympics hanging by a thread.

With two games to go, England are currently third in Group A1 and realistically they must beat the Netherlands and Scotland in their final two matches.

Even that might not be enough, though, as England cannot now overtake Belgium if they win their final two games.

But Wiegman said: “We’re not panicking. This happens too, and you see that we’re trying hard.

“You saw in the second half we were trying to find the space and we were trying to have different crosses and play a possession game into the final third.

"But we just missed the perfect touch to do that, although we did create chances to really score goals.

“Of course, we’re very disappointed, we are frustrated too. I think this was unnecessary.

“What we wanted to do was to play better than Friday and we won Friday, and a couple of things we wanted to do better today, but in the end we were too sloppy.

“They had more counter-attacks than they did Friday, so they did that well and I think we could have done better.

“Still, I think we made the game and were in possession so much more than they were.

"We did create lots of chances, we just at the moment are struggling with getting the ball in the back of the net.”