
How Sir Alex Ferguson halted Manchester United Champions League winner from early Celtic transfer move

Jim Goodwin has revealed how Sir Alex Ferguson's personal touch led to John O'Shea joining Manchester United over Celtic.

The former Red Devils defender enjoyed a 12-year stint at Old Trafford after making the move from Waterford back in the late 90s but things could so easily have been different for the Irishman had he went through with his original plan to join Goodwin at Parkhead. Dundee United's manager Goodwin has revealed how it took Fergie having to travel all the way to O'Shea's humble family home in Ireland to convince him to snub Parkhead in favour of the Premier League.

It all worked out for the now-43-year-old who managed more than 250 outings for United and won the Champions League as well as numerous Premier League titles and an FA Cup.

But speaking to The Courier, Goodwin still recalls the moment it all changed.

"John was geared up to come to Celtic with me," he said, "but Sir Alex Ferguson turned up on his door in Waterford, completely out of the blue. His father nearly had a heart attack when he opened the door. He convinced John to go to Manchester United instead of Celtic."