
Swindon season ticket sales have fallen from last year

Swindon Town season ticket sales have fallen <i>(Image: Andy Crook)</i>
Swindon Town season ticket sales have fallen (Image: Andy Crook)

Swindon Town season ticket sales are down on this time last year, according to the Swindon Town Advisory Board minutes.

The minutes of the meeting that was held on May 5 between the Swindon hierarchy and supporters groups were published on the club website and they have revealed that season ticket sales have reduced.

In the notes, it is said that compared with the same point last year the number of season tickets sold has fallen, although Swindon say they are not unduly worried as the Early Bird period runs until the end of May.

The club say that because the period is still open for fans to get reduced prices if they are renewing their season ticket no informed comparison can be made.

The specific numbers are not mentioned in the notes, just that it is presently lower than at the same point last season, although the Early Bird window also lasted until May 31 last year.

The question about season ticket sales was also posed in the Fans Questions section and the answer was given that: “Tickets are down from this time last season. As the early bird window has been extended until the end of 31st May it is difficult to make a comparison at this time.”

This comes after the Supporters Trust published the results of their fan survey, which they communicated made them nervous for the financial health of Swindon due to the responses indicating that many fans were considering whether or not they were going to renew their season tickets.

Satisfaction levels in the strategic direction of the club, confidence in the leadership, and men’s first team performance all received the lowest scores.

Additionally, only 33 per cent of respondents of the survey said that they either had or intended to renew their season ticket for next season, with the rest either undecided, did not plan to, or did not have one and will not purchase one.

61.25 per cent of responses cited off-field concerns as a reason why they would not be buying a season ticket for the 2024/2025 campaign.

In the survey report, TrustSTFC Chair Neil Hutchings said: “Given the current cash position of the Club, one of the most concerning statistics is the number of supporters who have already decided not to renew their season tickets.

“Together with the “undecideds”, these groups represent a real impact to the Club’s revenues at a time when little other cash is coming through the door.”