
Tottenham unveil permanent training ground tribute to late fitness coach Gian Piero Ventrone

Tottenham unveil permanent training ground tribute to late fitness coach Gian Piero Ventrone

Tottenham staff and players took part in a ceremony to create a permanent tribute to late fitness coach Gian Piero Ventrone.

An Italian Evergreen Oak tree was planted at the club’s Hotspur Way training ground on Monday morning, with the club releasing an image of head coach Antonio Conte helping to lay the earth for the tribute.

A minute’s silence was also held in Ventrone’s memory after he tragically died at the age of 61 on Thursday.

The ceremony followed a number of tributes from the club surrounding their Premier League win at Brighton immediately after his passing.

Antonio Conte said following the 1-0 win: “To find words for Gian Piero is very difficult at this moment.

“We are really devastated by the pain of what happened. Also because no one expected this situation. But sometimes you know life is not always positive situations and for this reason we have to cope in the best possible way.

“Because I know Gian Piero wanted to stay strong and continue to do our work in the way that he taught us.”

Players also paid tribute to Ventrone, Heung-min Son stating: “He's been there for me in tough moments, in good moments. We celebrated some unbelievable moments and some achievements of mine individually last season and some team achievements also.

“He was keeping me always level and we had a really good relationship. This is not for any other people, this is for me really really special. It just hurts talking about him.”