
Trans Swimmer’s Win Sparks Death Threats

Thomas M. Barwick/Getty
Thomas M. Barwick/Getty

A trans college student in New Jersey who set a school record over the weekend in women’s swimming has been the subject of death threats since her win. Megan Cortez-Fields won the 100-yard butterfly event and the 200-yard individual medley race at a meet in Dallas, Pennsylvania. But her victory sparked a flurry of violent threats, said a spokesperson for Ramapo College, which pulled a social media post congratulating Cortez-Fields after it received threatening comments. “We’re doing everything the NCAA says needs to be done regarding trans athletes participating on a team,” spokesperson Lisa Ambrose told, adding that several people on campus had received threats. Several members of the Ramapo athletics staff were also reportedly threatened, and Ambrose said all the threats had been reported to authorities.

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