
Village sports club preparing for big date

The teams from last year’s T20 match for Martley against a Ben Cox Worcestershire XI at Jewry Field. It was the first time a testimonial match had been staged in Martley in 20 years <i>(Image: Martley Cricket Club)</i>
The teams from last year’s T20 match for Martley against a Ben Cox Worcestershire XI at Jewry Field. It was the first time a testimonial match had been staged in Martley in 20 years (Image: Martley Cricket Club)

A VILLAGE cricket club are preparing for an exciting date on Friday, July 26.

Martley will take on a Worcestershire Cricket XI as part of County professional Joe Leach’s testimonial year.

The teams will play a T20 match as part of a family fun day which will start with free junior coaching and finish with live music at Jewry Field in Martley.

There will also be a bouncy castle, ice cream van and food and drink available from 1pm until late.

The Martley club, in their 165th anniversary year, are also in the process of building a new pavilion which is hoped to be unveiled on the day of the match.

Last year Martley hosted a T20 match against a Ben Cox Worcestershire XI — the first time a testimonial match had been staged in Martley in 20 years — where almost 900 people attended.

And this year the bumper day-out on a Friday during the school holidays should be a welcome attraction for the community.

Martley club chairman Stuart Watt said: “Last year the weather threatened to dampen the day early on but a huge crowd still came out to enjoy the game.

“This year we wanted to make it more inclusive so we’re encouraging families to come down in the afternoon so children can take advantage of the junior coaching before enjoying the T20 match.

“We also want the celebrations to continue into the evening so we have live music and of course the bar and food outlets will be open to make it a day to remember for all.”

Former captain Leach, 33, is celebrating his testimonial after more than 10 years of service to Worcestershire County Cricket Club.

People can find out more about it at