
Willian interview: ‘Everyone told me I was crazy to walk away from millions at Arsenal’

Fulham winger Willian at Craven Cottage where he was interview by Telegraph Sport

Willian has a memorable way of describing what it is like to be a top footballer. “You can go to bed as a poor guy,” he says. “And you wake up as a rich guy. It can be so quick. You must have good family, good people around you. Otherwise, it can easily get lost.”

The Brazilian is discussing the speed with which the careers of young players can take off – and the perils they face. The rapid ups and the sudden downs. They may be years in the making, as they dedicate themselves and work their way through as he did from the city of Ribeirao Pires in Sao Paulo state, leaving for Europe and the Ukrainian club, Shakhtar Donetsk aged just 18.

Then it can suddenly take off: with money, fame, pressure and all the expectation and demands. It is why Willian wants to become a football agent, and not a coach, when he eventually retires. Not for the money – and he is certainly not money orientated, as he soon explains – but to help. To put something back.

“You can kill your career, your life, if you don’t have good people who always say the truth,” Willian says. “Young players need to be careful… In football it can come easy: money, everything you want, everyone wants to be your friend.

“I am always worrying about what goes on outside the pitch. Maybe you have 15 years [football career] to build your life, to invest well your money and then maybe in five minutes you can destroy it.”

Being honest – and true to himself – means a lot to Willian and he has always been that way. Similarly the hair, the smile, the demeanour. Nothing has changed since I last interviewed him in 2016.

Willian is now 34 and playing brilliantly for Fulham, who are at home to Aston Villa in the Premier League on Saturday, and while he returned to London two years ago partly because he and his family love the city and will either make it or the United States their home when he eventually retires, he also had a point to prove.

After seven seasons of success Willian left Chelsea in 2020 – having signed for them under the noses of Tottenham Hotspur, in the first place – and agreed a three-year contract with Arsenal. They had offered him greater security with 12 months more than Chelsea did.

But it was not working. Willian did not know why. The club did not know why – and so, after his first season, he asked for his contract to be ripped up. It meant he literally walked away from millions of pounds as the deal was mutually annulled.

Willian takes up the story.

“When I left Arsenal everyone knows it was not good. It was a difficult year for me,” he explains. “I decided to leave and, at that time, I still had two more years contract and I just said to them ‘listen, let’s break the contract. It has not worked the way we wanted. I will go somewhere else and I will continue to play football’. I turned the situation around and, now, three years later I am at this club, enjoying myself. It’s an amazing club, to be honest.”

Willian playing for Arsenal during the 2020-21 season
Willian left Arsenal just one year into a three-year contract after a difficult season - Richard Pelham/Telegraph

Still, it is surely remarkable for a footballer, especially one of his age and in the Premier League, to walk away from such a lucrative contract?

“People were saying to me ‘you are crazy,” Willian says. “You cannot give up this kind of money’. They were saying ‘any other player in your position would never do that. They would sit on the contract and collect the money’. Stuff like that.

“But I don’t think about money. I know money is important, for sure. But it’s not the first thing in my life. For me, God first. Then my family, then football. Then the other things. But I wasn’t happy so that’s why I decided to leave.”

After Arsenal, Willian followed his heart and joined his boyhood club, Corinthians, in Sao Paulo in 2021. Again he wanted to put something back but, unfortunately, making the transition from Europe to playing in South America proved difficult and so, once more, Willian was brave enough to leave and brave enough to try and return to the Premier League.

“I was happy to be back here,” he says. “And it was a new opportunity for me to prove maybe some people wrong who said, when I left the country, ‘oh, he’s finished. He won’t be back’. I didn’t need to do that (prove them wrong). But maybe I did for myself and for the people who love me.”

Despite having won two Premier League titles, the Europa League, an FA Cup and League Cup at Chelsea, Willian was also brave enough to agree to a two-week trial at Fulham. Other players would have refused.

“I accepted it because I didn’t want to stop (my career),” he explains. “When I saw the opportunity I thought ‘I am going to take it’. Maybe for a couple of days, maybe one week, two weeks.

I did that because I am humble. I have always been like that. It was also a difficult moment in my life [after Arsenal and Corinthians].”

That determination paid off with a one-year contract. What helped swing it for Willian was working with head coach Marco Silva. “When I decided to join Fulham it was because it’s a nice club in London but the main thing was Marco,” he says of the highly-regarded Portuguese head coach.

“We had a great conversation and, for me, he’s a great manager. I am enjoying working with him a lot.

He always tries to understand the players and tries to speak with you as well. In football the human part is always important and he’s a great guy.”

Fulham winger Willian at Craven Cottage where he was interview by Telegraph Sport
Willian returned to London and Fulham following a spell back in Brazil with Corinthians - Eddie Mulholland/Telegraph

Even so Willian admits there was concern when he first joined Fulham, given the club had yo-yoed between the Premier League and Championship. But that soon went. “Historically this club has gone up and down, up and down,” he says. “But I think it has a huge potential to be one of the best clubs in the Premier League, to start winning trophies, to start fighting for something good. This club can do that. It’s London, a great stadium, good people in the club. It’s a good place to be. Look, they opened the door for me and I will always be grateful for that.”

Willian’s fabulous renaissance earned him another contract at Fulham last summer – after his initial deal expired – but not before other clubs came calling. There was a conversation with Nottingham Forest and interest from Saudi Arabia. But it was always Willian’s intention to stay at Fulham although, ironically, a couple of weeks after re-signing he received a big-money offer from Saudi club Al Shabab. Once more, though, he showed it is not about the money. “It was too late,” he says.

Indeed contrary to reports, Willian reveals his present deal does not have the option for a further 12 months – “no, it’s just one year,” he says – but he is happy to wait until the summer to see what happens next.

He wants to stay.

“Yeah, but I don’t know if they want me to stay!” he says. “We are going to decide at the end of the season. Now, I just want to be focussed on playing well and training well and giving my best to the club. Then we will see what we can do, what we are going to do.”

One thing is for sure. Even if he leaves Fulham, Willian is not retiring. Certainly not yet – or anytime soon. “Everyone says to me ‘how’s it possible that you are 35? You can’t be!’ It’s good to hear that,” he says.

The key to his evergreen form? “The most important thing is sleep!” Willian says, laughing. “Yes, I am coming to the end of my career. I think I maybe have four, five years to play.”

That does not feel like the end, then? “I don’t know if it will be here in the Premier League but I want to play until I am 39, maybe 40,” Willian adds. “Always I need to be humble. I am very happy. I had not a good moment before but now I am enjoying it a lot. You say I am playing well and I am proud of that. I am still playing at a good level at 35 and I want to continue in the same way.”