
Young sports stars learn to roll with it at Greenock bowling club

Youngsters try out bowling at Lady Alice Bowling Club <i>(Image: Alex Craig)</i>
Youngsters try out bowling at Lady Alice Bowling Club (Image: Alex Craig)

INVERCLYDE youngsters were bowled over when they got the chance to try out a new sport on a sunny day in Greenock.

Lady Alice Bowling Club welcomed young people aged eight to 15 along to a 'come and try' event with the aim of getting more youngsters involved in the game.

A group of youngsters were coached by members of the Lady Alice team on some basic techniques to help them succeed on the green.

Greenock Telegraph:
Greenock Telegraph:

Coach Joe Carruthers said the event was a fantastic opportunity for people to test out their skills.

Joe added: "It was a great day and the kids loved it. We make it fun for them and they learn a lot as well. We speak to them about things like the bias on the bowl and how you really think about how you're going to approach the shot."

Joe says the club have a small group of young people currently on the books but are keen to attract more young bowlers to keep the momentum going.

Greenock Telegraph:
Greenock Telegraph:

He says the coronavirus pandemic put the club back a bit in terms of the recruitment of the next generation.

Joe says the last three club presidents at Lady Alice all started out in the junior section, which shows that it's possible for youngsters to progress in the sport.

Greenock Telegraph: Youngsters try bowling at Lady Alice Bowling Club
Greenock Telegraph: Youngsters try bowling at Lady Alice Bowling Club

The dedicated coach says the sport is great exercise for the whole body.

Joe added: "It keeps you fit and gets you out in the fresh air. It's good for the youngsters as it keeps them away from their phones. We're hopeful that we'll get a lot more young people involved in the sport this year."

Sessions for youngsters run on Saturday mornings from 10am to noon.

To find out more contact the club on 01475 649191 or email