
EXCLUSIVE: RAMON VEGA - 'England dark horses for Euro 2016'

Yahoo's Sport Business Correspondent looks back at 2015, and ahead to a 2016 in which the former Spurs and Switzerland central defender thinks England will win the Euros and Arsenal will clinch the Premier League title.

So it’s farewell to 2015 and what a memorable year it’s been both on and off the pitch.

Looking back over the past 12 months, the biggest turnaround has been pulled off by Leicester City. They looked doomed this time last year - to have stayed up and then propelled themselves to the summit of the Premier League is truly remarkable.

Their transfer policy has been shrewd and in bringing in a mix of exciting young talents and more experienced players, Claudio Ranieri has achieved the perfect balance. 

In terms of a reversal in fortune, Jose Mourinho’s fall from grace was as spectacular and unpredictable as Leicester’s rise from outcasts to possible champions in a matter of months.

It will be intriguing to see how Mourinho bounces back. The pressure to prove Chelsea’s owner wrong and bring success, wherever he happens to hang his designer coat, will certainly be notched up a couple of levels.

On the playing side, pressure is something Harry Kane has dealt with admirably this year and I have thoroughly enjoyed watching him cause havoc in opposition defences.

Kane’s emerged from the inevitable barren patch that young strikers go through, with his belief and eye for goal intact.

Le manager batave a félicité Wayne Rooney pour son but face à Swansea (1-2) samedi.
Le manager batave a félicité Wayne Rooney pour son but face à Swansea (1-2) samedi.

For me, the biggest disappointment of the year have been Manchester United. They have spent so much money on transforming their squad and there is real class within their ranks, yet their performances have been consistently drab and underwhelming.

The swaggering adventure which has been synonymous with United over the years has been replaced by a conservative and dour brand of football.

Of course, pragmatism has a place in winning matches, yet even the results have not come up to the standard we have come to expect from a team of their calibre.

I can understand why the Old Trafford faithful are crying out for a change of philosophy in the approach to attacking football.

On the subject of football that takes your breath away, my goal of the year goes to Southampton’s Cuco Martina for his wonder strike against Arsenal the other week.

To get the necessary curve on the ball to bend it back towards goal while running on to a loose ball requires technical skill of the highest quality. Forget Roberto Carlos, I think Roy of the Rovers would have been proud of that effort!

Looking ahead to 2016, I’ll finish on a few predictions for the year.

I know it will raise a few eyebrows, but, as long as they have a bit of luck on the injury front, I’m still tipping England as dark horses for the Euros.

For the Champions League, I just can’t see past Barcelona. With their attacking trinity of Suarez, Messi and Neymar firing on all cylinders they look as irresistible as ever and over two legs they are always going to score a few. Once in the final, they have the experience to match the expertise.

As for the destination of the Premier League trophy, I’m going for North London. My heart says Tottenham but my head says Arsenal. Here’s hoping for once the heart is right!

Have a great New Year everyone, looking forward to another eventful 12 months on planet football!   

Ramon Vega is a versatile high-flying executive with a comprehensive track record of driving commercial success in finance, property and football with national, international and World Cup experience as captain of the Swiss National Team in 1994. Proven experience in managing $billion funds in the asset management industry as well as a turnaround specialist who combines financial and business acumen, Ramon has a flair for inspiring others to exceed their own expectations. Follow him on Twitter here @Ramon_Vega71  (

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