
‘Anyone inspired by the Olympic synchronised swimming would have to go to Bristol’

Kate Shortman and Isabelle Thorpe represented Great Britain in the Duet Technical Routine at the Olympic Games in Paris. <i>(Image: Mike Egerton)</i>
Kate Shortman and Isabelle Thorpe represented Great Britain in the Duet Technical Routine at the Olympic Games in Paris. (Image: Mike Egerton)

Dear Clinton (Rogers),

I meant to send this message to you last week after reading your column in the August 22 County Gazette.

Synchronised swimming and artistic swimming are one and the same. There has just been a name change, as is the case of so many things.

ASA, the Amateur Swimming Association, is now Swim England, Western Counties ASA is now Swim England South West, and so on.

We all found it easier to say synchro and the public recognised the sport and still like to call it that.

Those involved call it AS (I feel that could stand for anything beginning with an A and an S.)

I was involved for over 40 years but would need a week’s refresher course to be involved now as things have changed so much.

But it is still a wonderful sport for those who enjoy swimming but do not want to race all the time. In my day it was only for girls, but now boys can participate and enter competitions .

There was a section for synchro in Taunton Swimming Club which I, with help from others, set up with the backing of Taunton Swimming Club and later Taunton Deane Swimming.

Training was mainly at St James Pool (now gone). The swimmers entered competitions and gave many displays.

Even took part in the Swimathon in some years.

Sadly, Taunton Deane Swimming Club axed this section last January and to set up an independent club is proving difficult. There are so many rules and regulations now and a lack of deep water pools, as in many parts of this country, to reach the higher standards as seen in the Paris Olympics (if you could find where to watch that!), so anyone inspired by the performances would have to go to Bristol.

Meanwhile thank you for your column in the County Gazette, and I hope the culprit has now returned the League of Friends charity collection box.

Best wishes
Ann Reynolds
Galmington Road