
'Brad Pitt of bowls' urges everyone to attend the Bowls Big Weekend

'Brad Pitt of bowls' urges everyone to attend the Bowls Big Weekend

Nick Brett is best known as the man who bowled the most famous bowl of all time.

His viral effort saw him dubbed ‘The Brad Pitt of bowls’ and now Brett is urging people of every age to give the sport a chance during Bowls’ Big Weekend.

The event, which runs from 24-27 May, will see clubs up and down the country open their doors to newcomers.

And while bowls is often associated with an older demographic, Brett insists it is the perfect pastime for the entire family.

He said: “It’s a massive opportunity, it’s time to get out to the far reaches of every club in the country and people who don’t know much about it and are looking for something to do.

“Bowls offers something to do for every age range, every weekend for every ability. It’s available for everybody. The world number one can go and play with someone who has never picked up a bowl before. Socially, it’s fantastic. Most, if not every club, has the ability to provide food and drink as well, so it has everything that you want.

“The majority of people I have spoken to who have any hand-eye coordination and a competitive nature, they want to do well in any sport they take up and bowls is no different. If you’ve got your partner there or a brother or sister, a friend, the competitive nature will take over. You will want to do as well or better than they do. The stigma of it is age-group wise but when you first pick up a bowl that is not there.

“A lot of clubs and Bowls England have put a lot of effort in so that people understand that it is just a stigma. All ages do play this sport, but for some reason the stigma has been there in years gone by.

“But you see on open days, whole families go along, you have all sorts of age ranges. Youngsters will probably see football on TV and they want to be a footballer because it’s on TV more than bowls but there are all age ranges that play.”

Brett will be heading along to Yaxley Bowls Club for this year’s Bowls’ Big Weekend, and is hoping for a big turnout.

And having won both world and Commonwealth titles in the sport, he is proof that bowls can be more than just a fun hobby, offering the chance to travel all over the world.

He added: “It’s true that you can probably play bowls in later years. But there are opportunities for those in younger years to play junior international bowls, county and junior stuff. There are opportunities to play a high level of sport.

“The younger you get in the game, the further you can go.

“I’d say, come along and try it and I will bet you that it will get you hooked. I think that once you have tried it, you will want to have another go. You will have a good time doing it, for however many times you want to have a go, even if it’s only socially.”

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