
Callum McGregor in Celtic rallying cry as he demands 'let's see what Rangers have got'

Callum McGregor has challenged his Celtic teammates to take the game to Rangers on Saturday to "see what they've got".

The Hoops captain knows it's a massive, crunch derby day this weekend with a win essentially good enough for the hosts to count their rivals out of the title race. It would mean a six point lead and a superior goal difference for Celts with just two games remaining on the fixtures card and McGregor is ready for anything it may throw at him. It's a fixture that often can boil over and brings with it an intensity and scrutiny players won't find anywhere else.

But McGregor reckons he and his teammates are up to the challenge and he's urged the whole squad to hold Rangers' feet to the fire to see if they, too, can cope.

"If you don't enjoy them then you're going to struggle to play at a big club like this," he told Celtic TV. "So over the years, you build up more experience and when the games come around then you know when you're in the middle of it, you have to enjoy it. You've got to enjoy the fight and the battle of it. Generally, when you do that, then you have positive experiences. So we'll definitely be trying to have another one of them.

"We've just got to stay calm and focus on doing our job. Sometimes you can become over emotional and you understand what the game means in the context of the season. But if we focus on out performance and working as hard as we possibly can for each other and the supporters, then you know straight away the energy level goes up.

"When we take the game to a level and intensity that teams struggle to live with, that's when we play out best football. So I think that the message for us is, focus on ourselves, work as hard as we can for each and lets go and take the game to them and see what they've got."