
15 Screenshots Of Entitled Buttheads Who Wanted Free Stuff

1.This person who wanted someone to remove their bricks — and also wanted to be paid for the honor:

Brick mini-wall with overgrown weeds in need of removal; owner seeking help removing "100 or so bricks" and "would prefer you to pay me rather than vice versa" but can "strike deal helping me move some of the enclosed soil back"
u/snahtanoj / Via

2.This person who wanted someone to dog-sit for FIVE WEEKS for free:

Needs someone for 5 weeks to sit their two "medium dogs," one 11 and one 1, who will need to be fed and walked every now and then, "hopefully given some love and playtime with toys" — "hoping for free but wiling to pay if last resort"
u/constantine_benvolio / Via

3.This person who wanted a new $40,000 car for free:

Buy Nothing post with a wish for a "2024 Ford Edge, preferably blue," and an excited emoji
u/DinohKitteh / Via

4.This person who wants a new tattoo in exchange for "bragging rights":

Social media post in "Tattoo Lovers" group requesting a free Joker tattoo for the forearm in exchange for bragging rights, receiving one answer and six laugh emoji reactions
u/Valuable_Row3748 / Via

5.This person who wants free rides for a month:

Request for a monthlong free "volunteer" chauffeur, noting inability to pay or obtain a work license, with laugh emoji reactions
u/Donttouchthatagain / Via

6.This person who was lucky enough to purchase an "upgraded house" but wanted someone to buy them concert tickets:

Person is asking if anyone wants to "buy or pitch in on an early birthday present" of a $100 concert ticket, since they have a lot going on right now with their new house
u/Flowbro11 / Via

7.This person who wants workers to replace their roof and "will allow" someone to do it for free:

Person needs roof on 1,200-sq-foot home replaced, and they "will allow a company that's new to do it for free"; in return they get 5 Google reviews, word-of-mouth recommendations for 6 months, and their sign in the yard for 45 days
u/whistlewink / Via

8.This person who wanted a different complimentary gift...

Person contacts customer service to complain about the color of the complimentary lipstick they received and asking for a different shade
u/justcallmeallison / Via

...and then demanded a refund for something they didn't even pay for:

When told they can't get a different lipstick, they ask for a refund for $16, the price of the free lipstick on the website, so they call the company a scammer and say they'll file a claim with PayPal
u/justcallmeallison / Via

9.This person looking for a free photographer — oh, and you can rent an overpriced room while you're at it:

Person needs a free photographer to take pics of room they're renting out; in return they'll get referrals and exposure from — and also, they're renting the room with shared bathroom and kitchen access for $1,400, utilities not included
u/whistlewink / Via

10.This person who wants workers to do an unpaid "trial shift" before they start getting paid:

Job posting for overnight cleaning crew with various responsibilities such as cleaning surfaces, taking out trash, and vacuuming, urgent hire, but first they must complete an unpaid "trial shift" for five hours for then to decide if they like it
u/WhipWhitaker420 / Via

11.This person who wanted to borrow a car for a 500-mile road trip — but only if they could smoke in it:

Request for a car to borrow for the weekend to travel to a comic convention: something no older than 2019, that's reliable, not embarrassing to drive, and that they and their partner can smoke in; in return they'll top it off with gas and clean it
u/whistlewink / Via

12.This person who asked on their local Buy Nothing group for all the electronics in the world...

A very long list in Buy Nothing of various electronics and other items they're looking for, including Nintendos and Gameboys, Wii,, Pokémons, diapers and wipes, 2T pull-ups, photo printer, radio scanner, drone, and tools
u/mycatsnameisarya / Via

...and was definitely not a reseller or anything:

List goes on to include Xboxes, Genesis, Sega, and Playstation
u/mycatsnameisarya / Via

13.This person who wanted someone to deep-clean their house in exchange for doing it live on social media:

Person needs their 3BR townhouse DEEP-cleaned (not interested in offers of a "regular clean") for free, in exchange for going live on social media, if they want
u/extraterrestrial91 / Via

14.This person who wanted a dog sitter for TEN AND A HALF HOURS per day:

Person seeking a sitter for a 1-year-old goldendoodle, Monday–Thursday from 6:30 to 5, at the sitter's house, preferably for free or cheap
u/Fourfor4whore / Via

15.And finally, this person who wants a "mommy helper" to babysit Monday through Friday:

A posting for an unpaid helper to babysit two young boys after school, Monday–Friday — the mom would be in the home if needed; just need someone, maybe in jr high, who is responsible and kind and looking to play with kids
u/boardcertifiedbitch / Via

What's the most entitled thing you've ever seen someone do? LMK in the comments below!