
Gary Neville's unlikely message to Cesc Fabregas after Man Utd tunnel incident

Cesc Fabregas battles with Roy Keane in 2004
Cesc Fabregas battles with Roy Keane in 2004 -Credit:JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images

The memorable clash between Manchester United and Arsenal at Old Trafford in 2004, now known as the 'Battle of the Buffet', is one of the most talked-about games in Premier League history.

The Red Devils triumphed 2-0, putting an end to Arsenal's impressive 49-game unbeaten streak, but, it was the notorious post-match scuffle that took centre stage. When the final whistle blew, tempers were already running high from the on-pitch action.

And as both teams made their way down the tunnel, a melee involving irate United and Arsenal players ensued, culminating in a slice of pizza being hurled at Sir Alex Ferguson. For years, the identity of the pizza thrower remained a mystery. However, Cesc Fabregas eventually admitted to being the culprit just a few years ago.

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Speaking to ITV Sport in 2022, the former Spain international confessed his anger got the better of him after the game, but he never intended to get involved in the tunnel fracas, reports the Manchester Evening News. The incident was sparked by Arsene Wenger criticising Ruud van Nistelrooy, which led to a heated exchange between both sides, with the warring managers at the centre of the dispute.

Reflecting on the incident, Fabregas said: 'We were 49 games unbeaten. They were so competitive but they were very smart people. I was getting a lot of stick as well. '"

Fabregas also opened up about the infamous 'Pizzagate' incident, expressing his frustration at not playing and how he ended up throwing the slice in the heat of the moment. He revealed: "So, I was very frustrated. You're warming up and didn't play. You're annoyed you lost.

"I just went in quickly to the dressing room and there was some food there, I was starving. I took a slice of pizza and we started hearing noises. You started seeing players and Arsene Wenger everywhere. "

Man United's 2004 clash with Arsenal is remembered as the Battle of the Buffet
Man United's 2004 clash with Arsenal is remembered as the Battle of the Buffet -Credit:Pail Barker/AFP via Getty Images.

"I just went in quickly to the dressing room and there was some food there, I was starving. I took a slice of pizza and we started hearing noises. You started seeing players and Arsene Wenger everywhere. "

Fabregas also shared that in the face of Manchester United's intimidating players, his immediate reaction was to use the pizza as a weapon, confessing: "The first thing that occurred to me was to throw the pizza because I didn't have the power or the courage maybe to go into that fight. They were monsters in there. They were super, super big guys. Apparently, it hit Sir Alex Ferguson."

Reflecting on the intense rivalry, Man United legend Gary Neville relished the clashes with Arsenal and acknowledged the high stakes involved. In a 2016 interview with Sky Sports, he said: "Every time they lost they seemed to not handle it particularly well and they probably thought the same about us."

Neville also reminisced about the fiery encounters, admitting that while there was always a contentious moment in those matches, they are now remembered fondly: "There always seemed to be a 'spark point' during the game, but looking back now they were great games and I'm sure fans of both clubs would look and say what great games they were, they were brilliant to be a part of when you think about it."

Rio Ferdinand, Thierry Henry and Gary Neville in action
Rio Ferdinand, Thierry Henry and Gary Neville in action -Credit:Photo by Laurence Griffiths/Getty Images

Reflecting on the notorious pizza-gate incident years later, Neville confessed that he still remains in the dark about who the actual food-flinger was, but gave his frank perspective on the post-game kerfuffle during an interview, where he said: "I just remember there being some sort of mele.

"I used to think they were bad losers, they probably thought we were as well. I don't even know who threw the pizza at the time, I know it's been reported since it was Fabregas but I don't even know if that's true. Good luck to him if he threw it, I think if it was in your hand you would throw it."

Neville and Fabregas aren't the only ones who've mused over the pizza affair, with Rio Ferdinand issuing his two cents on his Vibe with Five podcast. He said: "I don't think he (Fabregas) meant to throw it at the gaffer, I think he just dashed it out the door and the gaffer was walking past. It did hit him, the lasting memory for me was a security guard was having to hold him back from trying to get into the changing room."