
This Hilarious Viral Makeup Tutorial Is the Most Honest Thing on the Internet

Makeup tutorials are so fun to watch, but rarely do they mirror what most of us are really doing at home. Chances are your favorite brush isn’t in pristine condition and you might still be trying to master how to nail the perfect brow. So, it’s no surprise that Australian radio talk show host and comedian Tanya Hennessy’s realistic and completely self-deprecating makeup tutorial has gone viral with more than 15 million views.  

She starts the hilarious tutorial with a confession that may sound familiar to anyone who has come home from the store with a cosmetic purchase they’re not sure they needed in the first place: “I use this MAC primer that a lady sold me against my will. She was really attractive and I was threatened by her so I was like, ‘I’ll just buy it cause I’m intimidated by you.’” 

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As she demonstrates each step, she admits to never washing her brushes, winging her contour and using mostly expired products that probably should have been replaced years ago. Her pared-down routine is a lot easier to accomplish than the 20-plus-step routines that many beauty bloggers follow in their videos. This is probably why so many can relate to her refreshingly honest approach. One commenter wrote, “This video is so accurate! I just about lost it when she realized she forgot the concealer that is me almost every time I apply my makeup!” 

Don’t miss the end of the video. Hennessy’s blue steel posing to imitate the way most tutorial videos end is a must-see!