
John McGinn issues Hibs warning over 'underappreciated' Hanlon and Stevenson

John McGinn has warned Hibs fans they will only realise what they had once Paul Hanlon and Lewis Stevenson have left.

The Hibees stalwarts will play their last home game for the club when Motherwell come to Easter Road this evening, after almost two decades of service between them. Both became legends when involved in the famous Scottish Cup win of 2016 which ended 114 years of hurt, while Stevenson is the only man in the club's history to have won both domestic cups.

At the ages of 34 (Hanlon) and 36 (Stevenson) the pair have found game time harder to come by this season and with their contracts up in the summer, it has been decided both will move on to pastures new, with Championship clubs already admitting interest. But former teammate McGinn has warned their value will only be truly known after they have left.

He wrote on social media: "Underrated, underappreciated but most importantly 2 of the best teammates you could ever dream of having. You don't realise what you have until it's gone!"

It comes as an outraged Michael Stewart claimed Hibs are charging the families of both players for a table at hospitality to come and seen them in their farewell match, accusing the club of disrespect.

While Hanlon opened the door to U-turn now manager Nick Montgomery has been sacked, admitting it wasn't his decision to leave as he hadn't ever pictured himself playing for anybody else.