
Jurgen Klopp's life after Liverpool - Family situation, £3m holiday home, new baby

Klopp in shorts, Ulla in denim, sitting on a bench with a tan coloured dog in front
Jurgen and Ulla Klopp pictured in 2013 -Credit:Getty Images

Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp is set for a well-deserved break after an illustrious near-decade at the club, having clinched both Premier League and Champions League glory.

Klopp has made it clear that he's not hanging up his managerial boots just yet, despite his departure from Liverpool. He's eyeing a sabbatical before jumping back into the football fray, with his next destination heavily influenced by his wife Ulla Sandrock, who previously played a pivotal role in swerving a potential move to Manchester United.

With a grandchild to dote on and a luxurious villa project under the sun on the horizon, Klopp is embracing a period of uncertainty. "This will be the first time in my life where I don't have a real idea of what I will do and that's exactly what I want," the gaffer shared.

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Discover what lies ahead for Klopp as he steps off the pitch...

Devoted wife

Behind every great manager is a devoted partner and for Klopp, that's Ulla. She's been instrumental in shaping key moments of his career since they met during her waitressing stint at Munich's Oktoberfest.

The pair hit it off instantly, setting up a home together within days and tying the knot in December 2005. Klopp, a former Borussia Dortmund manager was reportedly shortlisted to become Sir Alex Ferguson's successor at United back in 2013, until his wife intervened.

"Klopp told me he could have taken over Manchester United, but his wife said it wasn't right," shared legendary Reds defender Phil Thompson in an interview with Sky Sports. "When Liverpool arrived, his wife said it was right."

With eight trophies in his pocket in as many years while managing the Anfield club, the 47-year-old children's novelist seems to have successfully counselled her husband regarding his career moves. Klopp, speaking about extending his contract with Liverpool in 2022, asserted that the most crucial aspect was his family's approval, particularly his wife Ulla.

"What is very important and is probably the most important - because I could not work against that and wouldn't want to work against it - is that my family, in this case especially Ulla, she just loves it here," stated Klopp. He added: "The most important contract in my life I signed is the one with Ulla."

Recently, while sharing his downtime plans with Sky Sports News, the football manager revealed that Ulla has suggested he should learn cooking and take dance classes. He jokingly mentioned: 'I said you don't want me to have a break because if I do that I will start working after four weeks again!

Approaching her suggestion sportingly, Klopp acknowledged: "I should learn cooking probably so I can at least make some breakfast or whatever. During Covid, I did scrambled eggs but after that, I forgot it again.

"I was raised in the Black Forest with two sisters, the only reason I knew where the kitchen was, was because the smell came from there," he concluded. "I'm pretty useless in private life."

New grandchild

The couple each have children from previous relationships - the manager was previously married to Sabine Klopp for 12 years with a son, Marc and he is stepfather to Ulla's son Dennis. Last summer, they became grandparents when Dennis had a child.

"I already look like a grandad and now I am one, it's cool," said Klopp, saying he had had the 'perfect summer' spending time with his new grandchild. The manager is thought to want to spend plenty more of his free time with his youngest family addition.

"We both thought it was a blessing that we could be around for about four weeks, seeing him growing and all these kinds of things, going through all the first phases," he said. "Yes, only staying on the sideline, but being involved anyway.

"It's long ago that we were in that role, to be honest, but I can tell you it's like riding a bike," added the 56-year-old. "It's just beautiful. The most beautiful thing I have experienced in the last 30 years. To welcome such a little wonderful human being."

Holiday home

Klopp has been constructing an 'ecological paradise' since buying a £3.4 million villa on the Balearic island of Mallorca. Liverpool legend Mark Lawrenson told Off The Ball: "I have a house somewhere not far away from where he's building his. Ulla, his wife, is in charge of everything in terms of that and he said: 'The bloody thing's not even ready yet, and I'm paying all the bills!'

"I can tell you now, it's not a nice gaff, it's an absolutely fabulous gaff," the ex-defender continued. "It's sensational. So he's probably going to retreat there for a while, I would suggest."

In 2022, the renowned manager purchased and has been overhauling the massive 5,000-square-metre property, previously owned by Swiss businessman and artist Rolf Knie. According to German outlet Bild, his eco-friendly refit includes top-notch air conditioning, heating, and irrigation systems all phone-controlled that strive to reduce electricity usage by a whopping 75%.

The manager hasn't skimped on the exterior either, commissioning the landscapers behind Richard Branson's luxurious Son Bunyola hotel garden. Furthermore, he's rumoured to be having another home built back in Wiesbaden, Germany, close to Mainz where he launched his managerial career.

This additional base will make it easier for him and his wife Ulla to visit their new grandchild.