
Lukas Pollock signs to powerlift at collegiate level

May 12—A Velma-Alma High School senior will take on new heights as he prepares for higher education in the fall.

Lukas Pollock, 18, signed his letter of intent to East Central University (ECU) for powerlifting alongside family, friends, teammates and coaches May 2.

While attending and powerlifting, Pollock will major in criminal justice.

He said he began powerlifting his junior year.

"My highest total I got was 1,225 at state this year," he said.

After receiving a few medals, Pollock said his team became regional champions last year and this year, as well as regional runner up in powerlifting.

After deciding not to play basketball his junior year, Pollock said powerlifting piqued his interest.

"Really enjoyed it since then," he said.

Pollock said he looks forward to moving into something new at ECU.

Randy Norton, head coach for football, powerlifting and baseball, said Pollock is a great student at Velma-Alma.

"I'm excited for him to have the opportunity to go power lift," Norton said. "It's something that he found he loves and he did a great job at it."

After lifting weights for six to seven years, Norton said Pollock began taking powerlifting seriously. He said Pollock qualified for the state powerlifting meet this year and it's a huge accomplishment.

"He qualified and moved up in the rankings and had a really good meet," Norton said.

Norton said it's great to see students get into college on sports scholarships.

"We just hope that when he goes on he knows that we did everything we could do to help him," Norton said. "I think he's prepared."

Norton said powerlifting is more than lifting weights and it keeps progressing as a sport.

"It's exercise, it's timing," Norton said. "Every year, kids keep getting stronger and stronger in the State of Oklahoma."

With criminal justice as his major, Pollock said he hopes to work with Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) after he graduates.