
Steven Naismith explains how he works differently to Hearts predecessor Robbie Neilson

Hearts boss Steven Naismith
Hearts boss Steven Naismith -Credit:Getty Images

Steven Naismith insists he won't just sign players for the sake of it as the Hearts boss builds for next season.

The Jambos will be competing across four competitions in 2024/25 after their third-place finish guaranteed them at least eight European fixtures. Naisy is wary of the challenges of playing Sunday to Thursday will have on his squad but says he'll continue to rotate his team - just like he has throughout the current campaign.

He said: "We have a young team, we've risen to the challenges this season has presented us with. Next season is now the next challenge. The way I work compared to Robbie Neilson is slightly different in that I have rotated more than he did. We build a squad and we believe in everybody within that group. We've shown that this campaign, and it will be really important next season too."

The Tynecastle club have already agreed pre-contracts with Ross County playmaker Yan Dhanda, Motherwell midfielder Blair Spittal and Livingston's James Penrice. After landing a £5million bounty, Naisy could have additional funds to strengthen his side even more this summer.

However, he added: "You might have one or two more players than this season, in terms of experienced guys. But I'm not going to bring in loads of players who, later down the line, destroy what you're trying to build within the group.

"We have got good academy players, we want to try and give them opportunities. And that's what we are giving them. Macaulay Tait and Aidan Denholm have done it this season, there's a few more who can do it next year.

"We'll rely on that in parts as well. You've got to get the right balance. Every game in Scotland is hard. You don't go into many games thinking if we're at 70 per cent then we'll get a result today.

"What we have got to do is give them chances and we'll give the academy players time. But they need to earn that opportunity. And I'm not going to go out there and sign players for the sake of it."