
How To Store Chocolate Mousse In The Fridge And Freezer

pots of chocolate mousse
pots of chocolate mousse - Liliya Kandrashevich/Shutterstock

Chocolate mousse is one of those finicky foods where the texture not only matters, but it's the main reason why you'd choose this dessert. It can take a lot of work to make the perfect luscious mousse -- whether you use avocado for richness or just rely on eggs alone, it's essential to create an airy, whipped consistency and avoid the pitfall of graininess. If you (somehow) have leftovers after all that time and effort, you'll want to store them correctly so they don't droop into a soggy lump the next time you go to dig in.

If you know you're going to revisit your leftover mousse within a few days (which is the most likely option), you can stick it in the fridge, where it will last for up to five days. However, it'll be at its best within the first two days, so you may not want to leave it for longer than that. Either way, it's essential to seal your mousse as much as possible to prevent it from drying out; if it's in a cup, jar, or ramekin, cover it with plastic wrap, or transfer it to an air-tight container. For the former option, allow the wrap to touch the mousse to eliminate excess air (which can also lead to moisture loss), or choose as small of a container as possible for the latter.

Read more: 25 Chocolate Brands, Ranked Worst To Best

Whatever You Do, Avoid Heating Up Your Mousse

chocolate mousse in glass bowl
chocolate mousse in glass bowl - t.sableaux/Shutterstock

If you are somehow able to resist the allure of your creamy chocolate mousse leftovers, you can store them in the freezer. This requires a little more prep work, however, as you'll first want to make sure your treat is placed in a container with some room in case it expands in the freezer. But also, it's to your advantage to use individual storage vessels (like small jars) instead of combining your mousse all together, so you can defrost one portion at a time. Then place your already-wrapped containers in freezer bags, making sure to squeeze out excess air, and they'll be good to go for as long as three months. When you're ready to eat, all you have to do is move your portion to the fridge for four hours -- but whatever you do, don't heat it up to try and speed things up, as this can lead to uneven defrosting and a liquidy consistency.

One of the easiest ways to tell if mousse has gone bad is if the texture changes, which means you likely won't want to eat it anyway. Your perfectly light, fluffy dessert will become lumpy or soggy, and it may smell sour or generally unappealing. You may have to toss out your leftovers if this is the case, but if the craving remains, head to a restaurant to order the treat instead.

Read the original article on Tasting Table