
Gary Lineker details chat with ex-Spurs bosses about owners after Ange Postecoglou outburst

Gary Lineker speaking into a microphone while on his podcast
Gary Lineker has revealed some interesting chats he has had with former Tottenham managers -Credit:YouTube/The Rest Is Football

Ex-Tottenham managers have confided in Gary Lineker about their “gripes” with the club’s hierarchy.

Lineker made the revelation following current Spurs boss Ange Postecoglou’s complaint about the club’s “fragile” foundations. The Australian was left appalled by the amount of supporters who wanted his side to lose to Manchester City this week just to prevent bitter rivals Arsenal from winning the Premier League.

Postecoglou hinted all was not well behind the scenes, saying: “I think the last 48 hours has revealed to me that the foundations are fairly fragile. That’s just what I think.

“I just think the last 48 hours have revealed a fair bit to me. That’s alright. It just means I’ve got to go back to the drawing board with some things.”

He isn’t the first Spurs boss to complain about the state of the club, which hasn’t won a major trophy since 2008. Former Tottenham striker Lineker addressed Postecoglou’s rant on the Rest Is Football podcast with Alan Shearer and Micah Richards and said there was a culture of “interfering” and “whinging” amongst the owners.

“He won’t be the first to have frustration at the Tottenham ownership,” said the Match of the Day host. “When this happened, you see old interviews like Jose Mourinho, who said, ‘I have really good contacts with my former clubs, except Tottenham’.

READ MORE: Behind the scenes of Ange Postecoglou's rage and what Mikey Moore did that was so exciting

READ MORE: Every word raging Postecoglou said on fragile Tottenham foundations and how he will change club

“Antonio Conte said pretty much the same thing, attacking the owners. I’ve spoken to one or two [former] managers there and they [the owners] can be a little bit interfering, let’s say, or can whinge a little bit about team selection from the upper echelons.

“Adding all those things together, I think there’s a little bit of a gripe about the leadership at Tottenham, way above [the playing side].”